Saturday, February 6, 2016

Welcome To My Blog!

Hello Everyone!,

Welcome to my blog! For my Social Media for Social Change I'm going to talk about Service Dogs and how they help there owners through there struggles in everyday life. I'm also going to explain on What people should do when they see a service dog.The reason I have chosen to do service dogs for my project is because I have a service dog. His name is Co-Jack and he has changed my life in many ways and I want to tell people about all the amazing things these dogs can do.

Hope you like my Blog,

Avery Rosa
Here's a picture of Co-Jack at Sacred Heart University.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Avery, I am interested in learning about service dogs- I see them out in public and they are so well behaved. I would like to know what training they go through to become that way. The photos of the dogs on your home page are wonderful!!!
