This article is about something that is one of the things that you have to deal with when you get a service dog. The complications of fake service dogs. What are fake service dogs? They are mostly dogs that are not trained to perform tasks for someone with a disability and are not covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which allows service animals to go into public places. So what are the complications do Fake services dogs have that effect real service dogs? here they are:
1) Service dog handlers have disabilities.
We all know that to have a service dog you need to have a disability. And obviously, If you don't have a disability you don't qualify for a service dog. People that say to the owner, "Oh I really wish I had a service dog" or "It will be so cool to have a disability so I can bring a dog everywhere" or even just "you're so lucky to bring your dog everywhere". These comments are hurtful to people with service dogs because then we think you're not taking our disabilities seriously and aren't real.
2) Service Dog handlers are constantly judged.
Service Dog handlers are constantly judged about their disability and about having a service dog. Sometimes it can be from the public, friends, sometimes even family. It can be frustrating when people ask: "What's wrong with you?", "Show me your Service Dog ID","I wish my dog was a service dog". This is because it's making light of our situation and all the hassle of a service dog teams daily life.
3) Fake Service Dogs can affect the Service Dog Community.
So imagine this: you at your local Starbucks relaxing enjoying your coffee when a woman walks in with her so called "service dog". The little thing may look cute and harmless at firs, but then it's wild side comes out. it start's sniffing everything, eating things off the floor, barking at everyone, that walks by her and nips at people's feet. This is all going on while the woman is waiting in line like nothing is happening. One of the baristas comes up to her and ask's "Were Sorry but we have to ask you to leave. Pet's aren't allowed here." She tells her "Oh it's not a pet, It's a Service Dog".
Can you see why Fake service dogs are a problem, They leave the businesses feeling suspicious of all service dog teams real or fake. If this kind of story though gets in the news, it could have even more of a negative impact on the service dog community by letting people around the world feel that these fake service dogs are what real service dogs are like, which it isn't. I hope this article helps bring awareness to about Fake service dog's and why they are such a problem to the real service dog community.
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